Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rug Camp....time to start planning what to hook

It's time to start planning a couple of rugs for rug camp this September. The first idea is a small 12" x 12" design called Peony by Joan Moshimer. The flowers shown here were transplanted from my husband's grandmothers garden years ago. They are the prettiest peonies I've ever seen and the pattern design is so much like these that when I saw it in the catalog I knew I had to hook it.

My teacher will be Nancy Blood and this will be fine shading. I want to duplicate the colors in this peony with a dark green/black antique background. I've chosen 3 small designs of Joan Moshimer's for camp, the second rug is pansies with wild roses and the third rug a toad with toadstools.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Spring Flowers

A few spring flowers from the garden. A violet named Freckles, May Flowers, Virginia Bluebells and Anemones.The May Flowers are wild flowers growing all over in our woods.