Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Autumn Oaks Table Topper

I've been absent here for so long. So many things going on and never enough time...does anyone else out there feel like time flies so fast as we get older?
I thought when I hit 50 (and I'm past that) that I would have all sorts of time to do all of this fun stuff.

I finished this 'leafy' table mat a few weeks ago.
I used national NonWovens WoolFelt for this pattern because I wanted to stitch only the veins in the leaves and give it more of a dimensional look.

Felted woven wool would work just as well except that I would want to stitch down all the edges.

I use this as a centerpiece in the middle of my dining room round table and then set a bowl of fall mums in the middle.

My next wool applique pattern has lots and lots of snowmen, hopefully I'll have that finished before the snow falls, stays around a while and then melts...ya think? 

I've been cutting out hats and scarves and snowmen all afternoon.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

No Snowmen Here!

I have been a very bad blogger for a long time.
There has been just a ton of changes going on for almost all of 2012 and already this year.
After my dad passed way we had the estate business to deal with (which took months), then we spent a good part of the summer getting the Wyoming 'bunkhouse' started. The exterior is finished, next summer we will work on the interior.
I feel very fortunate to be staying in Tucson, Arizona for a few months soaking in the sunshine...I already feel better, the old aches and pains are slowly going away! 
(Especially when it's below zero in Minnesota right now, how can that be! It was 79 and sunny here today)

There is a hook-in this Saturday in Tucson hosted by The Old Pueblo Rug Hookers.
I plan to bring my Wildwood rug, hook and make new friends.
I must not forget my camera, I hope to get some great pictures and post about it. 

No snowmen here!
But I did wake up to a very light little dusting of snow on Jan.11!