I've been absent here for so long. So many things going on and never enough time...does anyone else out there feel like time flies so fast as we get older?
I thought when I hit 50 (and I'm past that) that I would have all sorts of time to do all of this fun stuff.
I finished this 'leafy' table mat a few weeks ago.
I used national NonWovens WoolFelt for this pattern because I wanted to stitch only the veins in the leaves and give it more of a dimensional look.
Felted woven wool would work just as well except that I would want to stitch down all the edges.
I use this as a centerpiece in the middle of my dining room round table and then set a bowl of fall mums in the middle.
My next wool applique pattern has lots and lots of snowmen, hopefully I'll have that finished before the snow falls, stays around a while and then melts...ya think?
I've been cutting out hats and scarves and snowmen all afternoon.